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Exciting New Year Updates🥳 Cheers to New Beginnings

I'm back in Australia now after a big six weeks in Bali.

You probably know that I have been working fully online since the start of COVID, but I have been based in the Gold Coast. However, recently, my family and I have moved up north to tropical central Queensland for a different pace of life. We have moved to a coastal town on the Southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, called Yeppoon. It's beautiful here, but honestly, the heat and humidity has probably been more intense than Bali- that's saying a lot! 🌴☀️ Apart from the intense heat, it's been a really nice change for us as a family. Things certainly feel easier and simpler in a smaller town- I'm all about that!

This is my favourite part about where we live. This is the town's public pool, it's on the beach, it's so lovely! You can see how this is so attractive to families :)

(not my photo, photo credit: Yeppoon Lagoon)


When one big change happens, a whole lot of other exciting new changes come along with it. With that being said, I have decided to resume face to face consultations, which I will be doing here in Yeppoon- YAY! I've been sitting on the fence about this, but I have officially decided it's a definite YES.

More details will follow, but for now, I just wanted to let YOU know first. If you have friends or family in the Central Queensland region seeking naturopathic care, I would appreciate any referrals, and thank you in advance for them. Look out Yeppoon, there's a new girl in town!

The second exciting thing to report is that Gut Love- The Good Gut Protocol (a 12 week group journey with ME, embracing a naturopathic approach for a gut reboot, recovery and overall TLC) starts on February 1st!

I'm so excited about doing this because my gut NEEDS it.

Does your gut need it? How do you know if your gut needs it?

Do you experience any of the following?

  • 0%Bloating

  • 0%Cramping

  • 0%Constipation

  • 0%Diarrhea

You can vote for more than one answer.

These symptoms act as a good guide.

There is SO much that is linked to your gut.

In fact, I'd rather ask, what ISN'T linked to digestive health!?

If you're not sure, below are some additional indications that your digestive system could benefit from some support:

  1. You may have skin conditions like eczema, acne, psoriasis, rosacea

  2. You might have recurrent yeast infections (like thrush)

  3. You might have recurrent infections of the reproductive tract (like bacterial vaginosis)

  4. You might have bad breath (although definitely get a dental check too!)

  5. You might have PMS, or period pain

  6. You might have INTENSE sugar cravings

  7. You might get regular headaches or migraines

  8. You might have food intolerances

  9. You might have a history of taking antibiotics regularly

  10. You might have a poor diet

  11. You might have an autoimmune condition

  12. You might get recurrent infections.

There are more, but I think you get the gist.


  • GUT LOVE- The Good Gut Protocol is going to be a 12 WEEK Group Program.

  • The protocol is broken down into 3 different phases, each phase of treatment is 4 weeks long.

  • Although it is a GROUP program, you will get an initial consultation with me.

  • After your consultation, I will prescribe you your herbal and nutritional remedies.

  • If you need any testing (eg: microbiome testing, complete digestive stool analysis), I will refer you for this.

  • We are going to have a PRIVATE SPACE to talk and connect - A Facebook Group

  • This will be a space to share our wins, challenges, recipes, concerns, and all things GUT LOVE related.

  • I will be doing a LIVE in the group, every FORTNIGHT- covering different topics.

  • If you can't attend the LIVE, the recordings will stay IN the group so you can watch on replay.

More info can be found HERE.

IF this is something that you KNOW YOU NEED TO DO, and finances are hindering you from joining, PLEASE GET IN TOUCH- I am more than happy to work something out for you. Do not be shy or embarrassed. I am here to help how I can. Honestly, PLEASE reach out. I don't want you missing out!

Like I said, I would love it if you joined me, so if you're keen- LET ME KNOW!

Lots of love,


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