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An Important Reminder and Holiday Tips🌴

I know that the holiday season can be a difficult time if you're dealing with chronic illness. Symptoms tend to flare more when we 'overdo it' or push ourselves. Not to mention, all of this can also bring about a heightened sense of vulnerability.


How often do we say YES to things just because we feel OBLIGED to commit?


This was me A LOT.


If I'm honest with myself, FOR ME, this was often rooted in a sense of shame or embarrassment around not wanting people to think that I was incapable of the seemingly simple things like-

Showing up as a guest

Contributing to a gathering (ie: cooking, bringing food)



Or something else that people would perceive as being SO simple. Things that from the perspective of someone without a chronic illness, required hardly any effort.


There was a bit of shame and embarrassment there for sure.


Plus of course, we want to live a little and don't want to miss out on events (or don't want our kids to miss out), so the pressure to participate in festivities and gatherings often got overwhelming for me.


This leads us to overcommit and overexert ourselves.




I'm happy to say that I'm no longer a people pleaser.

Happy because it came at such a huge expense to my health.


My husband actually comments regularly these days about how easy it is for me to say NO.


Nowadays it actually feels like TORTURE for me NOT to prioritise my wellbeing (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical), so saying no is easy.


It wasn't always like this though! I would often feel so upset about missing out.


It's essential to recognise that it's okay to prioritise our wellbeing and set boundaries, even during the holidays.


Saying "no" when needed is an act of self-care, and not a sign of incapability.


I know that the holiday season often comes with societal expectations, and the fear of judgment can contribute to us saying "yes" when our bodies are telling us otherwise.


Let's challenge this mindset together.


Let's celebrate the strength it takes to prioritise our health.


Here are some practical tips to navigate the holidays with chronic illness:


  • Set aside dedicated time for self-care practices, whether it's a bath, sitting out in nature by yourself, listening to your favourite song, journaling, quiet time in prayer, or simply resting. Listen to your body and give it the care it is asking for.


  • Don't hesitate to communicate your needs and boundaries with loved ones because honest conversations foster understanding and support. For example, hot summery Christmases in Australia (or Bali) means that my POTS symptoms would be a challenge, especially when chasing around active kids. It's important that I let people around me know that I'm going to need help with my children.


I'm currently in Bali, here's a photo of my dad, the boys and me, at Sanur beach. The kids are all looking pretty decent so I thought I'd share it, if you're a parent you know how hard it is to get good photos with your kids! So this one is to cherish :)


  • Say YES only to events and activities that align with your energy levels and priorities. Quality over quantity is important and it ensures that you'll have a more enjoyable experience. Make sure that they are spaced out so you have down time in between. This allows you to participate without pushing your limits.

  • If you react to foods or have specific dietary needs, don't attend events when you are starving. Eat some food before you go so you don't overindulge in foods that will trigger your symptoms.

  • If you are bringing a plate to share at an event, make sure that firstly, it's totally safe for you to eat, and that there is enough for a full meal for yourself in case there is nothing else that you can eat there.

  • Keep taking your prescribed remedies over the holidays. It's easy to forget when you're out of routine, but it's especially important to do so!

  • Bring certain supplements along with you to events- for example, if you have been prescribed digestive enzymes, and you are at gatherings where you may be eating foods that could make you feel uncomfortable, having digestive enzymes handy is SO helpful! You can also do this with your histamine support remedies, and if you have POTS, carry electrolytes with you, especially if it's hot!

  • If you get nauseous, bring some ginger candy to suck on. Wearing seasick bracelets are also pretty discrete and can be quite helpful :)

  • If you have pain (menstrual pain, abdominal pain, hip, back, leg pain), wear flat shoes instead of high heels to events, it makes a world of difference! I actually have no shame and practically live in my Crocs now- haha, they are the ultimate 'mom shoe' and they're so good for summer!

  • If you are travelling, bring an SOS kit- this can include pain relief, anti nausea remedies, a TENS machine, heat pack, vomit/emesis bags, anti diarrheals (hello SB probiotics!), your favourite electrolytes, your favourite essential oils (either to apply topically or to inhale), compression stockings...basically anything you'd like handy if you were to suddenly feel terrible.


I hope these tips you find these helpful!


An important reminder: if you're a patient of mine (on a support package), I am available for you over WhatsApp chat for support during the holidays. I'm here for you- whether you need to vent, have questions, or simply want someone to talk to.


In the spirit of love and healing, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a holiday season filled with moments of peace, joy, and connection.


Remember, your wellbeing is a priority, and I am here to support you along the way.


If you are needing help with your health in the new year and you haven't reached out yet, make sure that you get in touch and book in your free intro call HERE.

Lots of love,



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